



by Nightwind

One day, amidst the endless battles, we received word that the king had fallen in the North. The whispers were confusing, but we were soon to understand why. Celeglas had chosen to ride against the Dark Lord, and before he even engaged the Dark Lord in single combat, Celeglas collapsed to the ground, unresponsive, absent from his body. Then the enemy attacked en masse, and word has it that the captain of the Northern army had barely rescued the king from trampling, returned to the friendly lines, and that the Sidhe had suffered yet more losses

We met Sednil halfway as he brought Celee to the South, because Lupei had kept me during my coma, and Sednil was at a loss for what else to do. Sednil was terribly distraught by this time, loving his friend and king greatly. He feared, after the loss of his Lady, then his Lord, that the Land might follow shortly. But he had helped Drendel rule for many years, had led battle after battle before Celeglas was old enough to pick up a sword, and was confident that he could at least hold off the enemy a while longer. Lupei and I preserved Celee's body for his eventual, hopeful, return. Warren said this was a type of exile, the first of this type any of us knew of. The spirit had been banished from the body, but the body had not been banished with it.

Sednil returned to lead the northern army as best he could....Lupei and I returned south to protect the other border.


