Coaching Testimonials
Criss is an innovative & creative genius who translated my diverse goals into over 60 bite-size strategies in fifteen areas. After our 5 year business plan was executed, I learned the importance of spending more time working on my business than in my business. [Criss] helped us develop affordable ideas & solutions to fuel our 6th-10th year in business without a significant cash outlay in less than two hours. Criss - you are a strategic alliance who will help us remain competitive & float above the ongoing challenges of our marketplace. THANK YOU!
Melanie Richards
Prisms Promotions, Highland Falls, NY
Today was great. Thank you so much! You clarified my thinking a great deal and helped me to figure how to tackle what and when. You also made me understand I really had accomplished something and wasn't spinning my wheels as much as I had thought. I was also afraid I was scatter-gunning all over the place and needed to focus, and yet felt I had logical reasons to touch all the bases I was trying to touch. You made me feel it was OK.
JoAnne Bell
Crafty Bell, Middletown, NY
Criss Ittermann is incredible with her creativity, out of the box thinking and helping you utilize your resources and grow your business. Without her help and guidance I never would have been able to develop and set up my new audio and video seminar series that I will continue to expand. She helps you look at possibilities and opportunities that you would not recognize on your own. She has been an integral part of my business growth today and for the future. I would recommend her service to anyone who is looking for new ways to grow and expand your business.
Cynthia Marsh-Croll
Croll Productive Synergy, Westtown, NY
Now that I am preparing and gathering information for our [consultation] meeting, it is FINALLY beginning to make sense what I am doing, and how to do it. Once you told me to situate info and projects by month, my ah ha moment clicked in. We did not have our meeting yet, and already you have helped me, and I feel more organized.
Brenda Hall (R.I.P.)
Scholarships and College Planning, Inc., Middletown, NY