Web Content Brainstorming Session
Web Content Brainstorming Session

Do you know someone whose website content needs a boost?
It's difficult to know what to put on your website. We struggle over our marketing messages, knowing our target market, and face it, not everyone is a writer!
This is a combination of work session and brainstorming session, based on my Website Content Bootcamp and my QED Business Edge presentation on website content development. We're going to break down the aspects of a web page, talk about what content belongs on specific pages, and analyze aspects of attendee's websites to create a recipe for better website content.
Workshop includes
- Evaluating different types of pages (i.e. "home" page, about us, services, etc.) using participant's sites as examples
- Determining key factors for the page in question
- Developing new or repurposed content to improve results
All attendees can expect helpful hints on how to improve any website's content, so this is particularly helpful for people who can edit their own website, or people who build or maintain websites for a living.
In addition to my unusual ability to be analytical or strategic and creative or intuitive, I have been creating websites and developing website content for 18 years. I leverage my ability to balance out another person's strengths, along with my a long history of website creation and marketing to create an environment where people develop plans and strategies to improve their website.
Sessions are 2 hours each. Special Introductory price of $70/person, (regularly $97 per session), prepaid. Space in the session is limited. Due to limited space and needing to avoid having more than one person in the same industry in the room at the same time, pre-payment is required.