NWIN Orange County Day Chapter - Fundraising Luncheon
While you were out....
you could have met another referral partner!
Come networking with the National Women's In Network on April 29th! We're going to do business while helping children in the CASA program!
A special thank-you to our sponsors! Dessert sponsored by I Baked Wish your name were here? Become a sponsor! Sorry, you're too late for earlybird registration. Please bring $30 at the door! Checks or cash only. |
How Much? $20 cash & check before 4/22. $25 by PayPal before 4/22. $30 at the door, cash & check only. Please bring a guest: For each guest you bring, you will be entered into a special prize drawing!
Bring a stack of business cards and get ready to work the room
- Open Networking
- Buffet Lunch
- Brief Announcements
- Amateur Comedy Contest (5 minutes per person max)
- Open Networking
- Desserts sponsored by I Baked
- Prize Drawings
We can only fit 190 people in the room! Pre-pay highly recommended! Refund available only with 48 hour notification.
We need prize donations & event sponsors!
Mailing your check or money order? Send payments to NWIN-Day Chapter at PO Box 225, New Hampton, NY 10958.
Got Questions?
Do you want to sponsor? Enter the contest? Just want to ask questions of a live person?
Or feel free to call Criss at 866-993-8932 x 101