Day Chapter Open House
Open House Co-Ed Networking Mixer
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saffron Fine Indian Cuisine - Playtogs Plaza, 130 Dolson Avenue, Middletown
RSVP by paying $15 per person right now by Credit Card:
$15 in advance. $20 at the door.
Please bring or donate raffle prizes for the fundraiser!
Buffet snacks provided. Cash bar.
Questions & dotations: Criss Ittermann from Eclectic Tech, LLC OR Melanie Richards from Prisms Promotions. You may call 845-820-0262 with questions.
We will be raising money to help feed CASA foster families during the holidays (and we may open it up to benefit Safe Homes women as well). Prize donations would be GREATLY appreciated.
We had 55 people at our first co-ed fundraiser back in February, and so many raffle prizes!
Thanks to everyone for their generosity! We raised a nice amount of money and were able to help both the CASA program and women from Safe Homes. We look forward to an extraordinary turnout. If you're not familiar with the restaurant, it's in a shopping plaza lot -- no end of parking! -- and the banquet room is quite large. We expect a handsome turnout, definitely a top networking event of the year!