Software Support
Software Support
I have extensive experience with many software applications, and can provide training, troubleshooting, and support in many applications. The following is an example of programs I may support. If you don't see a program on the list, please ask.
- OS X Server
- Server Admin
- Workgroup Manager
- Graphic Design
- Quark XPress
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Acrobat
- Macromedia Fireworks MX
- Flash MX
- DAZ Bryce
- DAZ|Studio
- Database
- FileMaker Pro
- General
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Entourage
- Microsoft PowerPoint*
- Apple's iLife
- iTunes
- iDVD
- iMovie
- iPhoto
- iWeb*
- Mail.app
- OmniGraffle Pro
- Microsoft Office
Open Source Packages
- Dia (open source Visio equivalent)
- GPG(open source PGP - a file, email, and communication encryption tool)
- LyX*
- Blender (3d modeling)*
Programming applications
- Zend Studio*
- XCode*
- AppleScript
- PageSpinner
* I am only passingly familiar with this application and can only provide light support