Business Development Brainstorming Session
Business Development Brainstorming Session

In group brainstorming sessions topics covered and issues addressed are brought by attendees. If someone doesn't know where they're stuck, I'll help figure it out, but it's good to have an idea of things to address in the session.
Do you know someone who needs some help with their business?
People who say things like this benefit from my brainstorming sessions....
- "How will I stand out in a crowd?"
- "What do I put in my ad?"
- "What should my website say?"
- "Where can I find more customers?"
- "How do I price my services?"
- "How do I get more out of my time?"
- "How else can I get the word out about my business?"
I use my ability to be analytical or strategic and creative or intuitive, combined with an ability to balance out another person's strengths and experience in group facilitation, to help create an environment where people get new ideas, and develop plans or strategies to improve their business.
Sessions are 2 hours each. Special Introductory price of $57/person, (regularly $97 per session), prepaid. Space is quite limited. Due to limited space and needing to avoid having more than one person in the same industry in the room at the same time, pre-payment is required.