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Here are more ways we can help you:
Are you struggling, anxious or just running out of ideas? Let's come up with new ways to challenge your competition and increase your business. Brainstorming sessions allow us to work together on what direction you want to grow in, and are exceptionally valuable to solopreneurs who lack a partner to come up with new ideas with, but are also of value for facilitated brainstorming sessions between partners and upper management to tackle specific areas of your business.
Liberate Your Website: Leverage a website that will grow with your business
Don't be chained to your webmaster. Save time and money by taking care of a professionally made website yourself. We set up your initial website and supply training, videos, content assistance, plug-ins for special features, or, if you really want it, website maintenance. But our happiest clients are the ones who want to fiddle with their website content on their own time. It's inexpensive, and very satisfying.
National Women's In Network (NWIN) - Orange County Day Chapter
Whether you're male or female, NWIN has a networking event for you. Ladies, we have monthly luncheons with affordable prices at a variety of Orange County restaurants. Gentlemen, several times a year we hold a special co-ed fundraiser meeting and give you an opportunity to enjoy both business networking and an opportunity to help a local non-profit in our community. Please feel free to join us!