Free Search Engine Accessibility Assessment

Free Search Engine Accessibility Assessment

Can people find your website? How's your site doing? Has your web designer or developer done a good job, a great job, or only a mediocre job building your site?

Unfortunately not all designers know what they're doing. Many web pages will never be properly indexed by Google or other search engines, because the content is hidden behind Flash or inaccessible JavaScript navigation.

Eclectic Tech, LLC is offering free web auditing services1.

What if there are problems? Your first recourse is to go back to whoever built it and tell them to fix it! If that falls through, or they want you to pay an extraordinary fee, you may want to think twice. We won't just suggest how to fix the problems we find; we'll make you an offer to fix them -- we'll let you know what the impact will be on your site in order to fix it, and tell you what the bottom-line fee is to perform the changes.

Alternatively, do your own partial assessment!

Here are some of the things that we would be looking for when we assess your website:

  • Search Engine Optimization - can the big indexers even find your web pages?
  • Google PageRank - how Google determines order for websites
  • Google Listings - how many of your webpages are indexed?

1Offer available for a limited time only. First-come first served. Overwhelming response may delay delivery of relevant information. Eclectic Tech, LLC reserves the right to take names & numbers for a waiting list, or to outright refuse to perform an audit for any reason. Even if we don't audit your site, you can certainly learn something about the assessment process from our articles anyway.

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